RummyTime blog
The industry's top wizards, doctors, and other experts offer their best advice, research, how-tos,
and insights—all in the name of helping you level-up your SEO and online marketing skills

5th Mar, 2025
Top Players of the Month: Stories Behind Their Success
Do you also feel this way: When you know the prizes or outcome of an action, you tend to take things seriously and perform better? Well, the bias for action comes from motivation. And that motivation often comes from knowing the end results of an action. Well that’s what keeps most people excited about life!

27th Feb, 2025
Step-by-Step Guide to Quick Withdrawals on RummyTime
At RummyTime, we try to make your experience more fun by not just introducing new features but by also maintaining a level of fast and secure withdrawal process. We understand the excitement that comes with winning and we cannot let you wait even a minute away from your rewards. So, we have some regulations that

24th Feb, 2025
Why Sequences are the Key to Rummy Success: A Beginner’s Guide
As much as the rebel inside of you hates rules, rules make life all the more fun! But at the same time, as much as you hate breaking rules, following them religiously to win games like rummy makes it even more interesting! Today we’re here to tell you a few basic rules of rummy and
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19th Feb, 2025
Responsible gaming tips every rummy player should know!
You know what they say about overdoing, right? Too much of a good thing won’t necessarily result in positive results. Well, we’re here to talk about exactly that today. Doing everything with a lot of responsibility and supervision of our own self is very important. Rummy is one such thing. As exciting and fun rummy

19th Feb, 2025
Understanding Sets and Their Importance in Rummy
A quick question! What are the two terms that come to mind when you think about rummy? It’s surely “sets” and “sequences”, right? It’s nearly impossible to define the concept of rummy without understanding the relevance of sets. In a game of rummy, sets are often formed to make a valid declaration. This blog covers

19th Feb, 2025
Travel & Rummy: Games to Play on your Next Adventure
Imagine this. You’re all set to travel from Bangalore to Coimbatore for Mahashivratri in a train. Cleaned camera lenses, check. Govt IDs, check. Heavy metal chain lock, check. An on-call Tamil friend, check. You start your journey and just then the only couple in your compartment starts fighting about not being able to capture the morning

19th Feb, 2025
How Rummy Can Spice Up Your Weekend Plans With Friends
When you realize it’s the weekend, and you’ve already done the laundry, fixed the broken tap, and saved your plants just in time by watering them, only to wonder how you forgot to relax, and now it’s already Sunday. Did rummy come to mind? Rummy is the perfect game to connect with friends and family;

11th Feb, 2025
Only Entry Amount to Have 28% GST and not Winnings in Online Rummy
In 2023, it was announced that 28% GST (Goods and Services Tax) would now be levied on online gaming, casinos, and horse racing. Currently it’s stated that this would come into effect from October 1st 2023 and would have a significant impact on the online gaming industry and its stakeholders. Therefore, it’s important to know

6th Feb, 2025
Global Gaming Industry to be Lead by India in Future
A recent survey published by Business Standards, has revealed that 84% of tech practitioners in India believe that the online skill gaming industry in the country has the potential to become a global leader. This was one of the key findings from a joint study between the E-Gaming Federation (EGF) and the Indian Statistical Institute,